EPISODE 32 "The Scream of Perfect Chaos!" The Episode begins at Chris's school, where Stuart has noticed his student's absences of late. Stuart cuts off his report to Area 99 when the basketball Danny and Francis were playing with bumps his leg. Danny challenges his teacher to dunk the ball. Stuart takes up the challenge, easily laying up the ball. Danny is stoked by Stuart's great playing, while their teacher acts modest. At Tails Workshop, Chris finds the place is deserted. Nothing there but lubricants and plane designs. Meanwhile, Sonic and Tails are meandering through the jungle. Down the path, they find Knuckles standing over an unconscious Dr. Eggman. Sonic asks if he alive, while Tails pokes his leg with a stick. Eggman sits up, muttering about Chaos attacking him. Sonic exclaims at Eggman's revealing that the monster is still alive. Angry, Knuckles starts to choke the madman, but Sonic bats his fists away. Eggman tells the trio that Chaos is wild, uncontrollable. At that moment, Eggman starts to float into the air. Decoe and Bocoe have come to the aid of their master in an Egg-balloon, pulling the fat man into the sky with a robotic clamp. Kicking his feet, Eggman is borne away into the distance. Knuckles tells Sonic and Tails that if Eggman can no longer control the beast, and it holds five of the seven Emeralds, they need to obtain the last one in a hurry to prevent it from growing any stronger. Suddenly, a blaze of light envelops Sonic and Knuckles, hiding them from Tails's eyes. Both Sonic and Knuckles appear near the Master Emerald Altar. They witness a scene with Tikal begging her father and his warriors not to try to take the seven Chaos Emeralds. Pacahamac orders his headstrong daughter to step aside, and when she refuses, tells his men to charge. The echidna warriors stampede over the little Chao, throwing Tikal to the ground. As the males storm the top of the structure, the seven Chaos Emeralds appear. From the Master Emerald, CH@OS 0, Guardian of the Chao and the Chaos Emeralds, emerges. Raising his claws, he absorbs the Chaos Emeralds power, destroying Pacahamac and his legion. When the melee settles, the Altar is a shambles, fire blooming from it's sides. Hurrying to Tikal, Sonic awakens the girl. With tear-filled eyes, Tikal runs to the base of the Master Emerald. Praying to the huge jewel, Tikal asks for the power to stop Chaos. The Master Emerald flares brightly, Tikal a dark spot in that sea of light. The light grows to nova proportions... The vision ends. Sonic and Knuckles assure Tails that everything is alright. Just as Knux prepares to go find the final Chaos Emerald, Chris yells his name, running down the jungle path. In his hand he holds the Grey Chaos Emerald. Knux can only exclaim in surprise. Suddenly, a tremor shakes the earth, and a whirling waterspout envelops Chris. Sonic juices forward, jumping in to grab his pal. Sonic manages to snag Chris, but the Chaos Emerald is snatched by the swirling water. Knuckles jumps up, kicking open a hole for Sonic to pull Chris out. The Emerald is lost in a crack, which widens quickly, forcing Tails into the air. The Chaos Emerald that Knux had is also lost in the rift. Water spews high, then disappears. Knuckles sighs, the Chaos Emeralds are lost. Chris apologizes, but Knuckles shrugs it off. Sonic knows that had to have been Chaos. Behind the group, a number of Chao watch them with glum faces. Station Square is bustling along, the citizens unaware of the danger heading their way. A rumble shakes the city, as people pause in confusion. In the sewers below, the water starts to roil and build threateningly. Sam Speed is busy giving a lawbreaker a speeding ticket, when the manhole covers explode in the air, water spurting powerfully. Across the city, more covers are flying. On the overpasses, large rifts crack the cement, liquid death blasting cars. Building windows rupture, water flooding the floors. Ordering people indoors, Sam is stunned by the disaster, until a large wave washes him away. Water blasts from a large skyscraper in the center of town, forming into a terrifying shape. PERFECT CH@OS is born! In Washington DC, the President and his staff are viewing the destruction on TV. Scarlet Garcia details the disaster from the news chopper, showing collapsed buildings, flooded streets, and one really big, ugly monster. The President orders GUN to stop the beast at all costs, while Rouge and Topaz stare in disbelief. Chaos is having a heyday, chopping apart buildings with it's tentacles. At the Thorndyke's, Cream, Cheese, and Ella watch in shock. Cheese, upon seeing Chaos, goes ballistic, shocked that the Chao Guardian would something this terrible. Cream and Ella try to calm the Chao down, but he only get more frustrated. Chuck enters the living room, demanding to know what is happening. Ella fills him in on the water monster destroying the city. Chuck starts in amazement. Tails and Chris are zooming back to the city in the X Tornado, while Sonic takes the highway. Scarlet's overview of the wreckage continues, even as Chaos destroys the center of town. At Chris's elementary, Stuart and the rest of the staff are evacuating the children. His watch rings, Area 99 wants him to report to headquarters in person. Stuart tells them that he is trying to get the kids to safety. GUN Command replies that it is an order. Stuart cuts off the communicator, and takes control of Helen's wheelchair. Telling Danny and Francis to follow him, he takes off for the highlands. The Tornado wings over the main bridge into town, thick smoke rising from city center. At the Thorndyke's, everyone is ready to leave immediately. Tanaka decides to stay with the mansion, while Chuck, Cream, Ella, and Cheese make for safety. Downtown, the soggy citizens have taken refuge on the rooftops. A pair of hands drag a half-drowned Sam from the flowing water. It's the President's former assistant. Thanking the man, he recovers enough to cheer the arrival of some GUN helicopter gunships. Concentrating their guns on the gigantic target, the pilots hammer Chaos with lead. The bullets have no effect on the living water, so they switch to missiles. A number of rockets splash into the beast, again with no visible damage. Chaos rears it's head back, opens his jaws and hocks up the missiles. On the other side of the metropolis, Sonic is confronted with his greatest fear, water. Steeling his courage, he leaps from building to ruin. The GUN choppers are annihilated, blown away with their own armament. A few pilots manage to hit the silk before their aircraft are destroyed. The crowd all wonder where their hedgehog hero is. In a hidden hangar in what's left of Final Egg, Dr. Eggman and his lackeys have prepped the Egg Carrier 2 for takeoff. The humongous craft ascends above the jungle. Dr. Eggman is eager for revenge against Chaos. Sonic has made it. As Chaos consumes more of the city, he goes into action. Forming a Sonic Spin, he hurtles at the beast. Chaos slaps him away with a tentacle. Sonic tries a different approach, running up a building and leaping to the attack. He is absorbed by Chaos, and spit from his mouth. Chaos summons a wave of water to drown the bothersome rodent, but Sonic luckily lands on some debris and surfs to safety. Tails swoops down with the Tornado, and Chris grabs his wrist, pulling Sonic into the air. Tails maneuvers the plane to attack, Sonic standing ready behind the cockpit. Chaos fires blasts of water at the plane, which it's skilled pilot deftly avoids. As the trio move around to attack again, Dr. Eggman arrives in the Egg Carrier 2. Eggman orders a missile barrage to bear on the monster. Decoe and Bocoe fire away. The missiles never impact, as Chaos surrounds himself with a shield of water. Lowering his shield, Perfect Chaos blasts the Egg Carrier with an energy beam, decimating Eggman's flagship. The unlucky fiends manage escape on the Egg Mobile. At that moment, a shining light flits past Chaos and surrounds the X Tornado. The light lowers the plane to solid ground. As the shining fades, Tikal appears. As Tikal speaks of capturing Chaos long ago, Sonic realizes that Eggman must have been the one to set Chaos loose from the Master Emerald after the Chaos Control. Perfect Chaos, having finished absorbing the energies from the Chaos Emeralds, expels the gems. The Purple Emerald lands at Tikal's feet, while she tells Sonic that the beast only absorbed the evil powers from the jewels, but the Emeralds also have good energy, if they can be gathered together by a true hero. The Emeralds need to be found fast, as there won't be a Station Square left if Perfect Chaos is not stopped. Just then, Cream runs up with the Yellow Chaos Emerald, it's glow faded. Amy also shows up with Dark Blue, while Big offers Sonic the Green. Knuckles walks up with Tails, trailed by a reluctant Dr. Eggman and his robotic lackeys. Knux gives Sonic the Red, then coaxes Eggman to part with the Light Blue. Chris jogs up with the Grey Chaos Emerald, but trips in the home stretch. The crowds in the buildings all call on Sonic to stop the destruction. As the crowds cheer, the Chaos Emeralds shine with power again. The seven Chaos Emeralds lift into the air with Sonic, a golden aura building around his form. As the glow grows ever more brilliant, Sonic's head quills bend up, his fur transforming into shimmering yellow, his eyes flashing a roaring red. Super Sonic is reborn! Flashing toward Perfect Chaos, Super Sonic punches through his watery shield. Chaos counters, flinging waterspouts at this new interloper. Going into a Super Sonic Spin, the hedgehog bats away the oncoming water. Chaos fires his energy blast, while Sonic jukes around it. Chaos fires again, this time at the assembled people rooting for Sonic. Super Sonic imposes himself between the blast and his friends using a shield of his own. The hyper powered combatants standoff, as Stuart and the children watch from the hills. The kids cheer the hero on, as Perfect Chaos attacks with a tentacle. Super Sonic merely grabs the limb and concentrates, dissentegrating it. Perfect Chaos fires it's beam again, but Sonic just flies right down it, forcing the beam back into Chaos's throat. Golden light courses from the beast, and Super Sonic flashes into the clear, Perfect Chaos is atomized. The people of Station Square yell in happiness, safe once more. Sonic's super power fades, leaving him a normal hedgehog again. Nearby, CH@OS 0 reforms, his power also drained. Knuckles prepares to finish him off, but Cheese stops him. A multitude of Chao emerge from the flood, looking at the defeated guardian. Tikal steps forward, explaining to Chaos that the Chao lived from the attack long ago, building a garden in solitude from the rest of the world. Spreading her arms, she lifts herself and Chaos into the evening sky, disappearing in a starburst. The adventure is over. Suddenly, Tails notices that Dr. Eggman is gone, vanishing when everyone else was watching the scene with Chaos. Knuckles mutters that the mad scientist will be back, they can count on it. As Sonic stares into the sunset, he gives Chris a thumbs up. Down below the overpass, Big and Froggy are enjoying a bit of fishing before the water recedes. To Be Continued! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was written by Eli Sheldon aka 'SHADOWBOT' - used with her general permission.