EPISODE 31 "Gamma's Wandering" The Episode begins with a recap of Tails dismantling of the Egg Missile last episode. In Station Square, Chris is busy running down the main bridge towards the Mystic Ruins. He is trying to get the Grey Chaos Emerald to Angel Island. Overhead, a news chopper flies off toward the Mystic Ruins. Chris decides to try Tail's Workshop, surely Tails would give him a ride to the land of echidnas. In the helicopter, Scarlet Garcia is doing a piece on the new surrounding countryside of the Mystic Ruins and the downed Angel Island. Cream, Cheese, and the others watch the report with interest. The piece reverts to previous news of the day, showing Tails stopping the rocket Eggman had left in Station Square. The TV also reveals to the Thorndyke crew a crowd of people at the gates of the mansion, wanting to see Miles Prower. Chuck finally learns Tails true name, while Ella scans the slew of people at their driveway. Tails is eager to find his airplane, the X Tornado, but he can't leave the grounds without all of those people following him. Chuck gets another one of his ideas, and begins explaining it to the servants. Outside, the Thorndyke gate opens wide. Ella is walking out with a baby carriage, and the crowd demands to see if she is trying to smuggle Tails away. A cameraman opens the blinds, revealing Mr. Tanaka with a pacifier in his mouth! The crowd recoils in horror, cause he is about the ugliest baby they have ever seen. Ella gives a smile for the camera, then continues off down the street with the carriage. Once a safe distance downtown, Ella ducks into an alley. Lifting her apron, Tails drops back into daylight. Thanking the pair for smuggling him out, Tails makes off for the Mystic Ruins. Elsewhere, E-102: GAMMA has landed safely. The robot ruminates on Amy's speech about not listening to Dr. Eggman any more. Gamma reviews instances in his short life, Dr. Eggman's creation of him and his brothers, the banishing of rest of the E-100's, Beta's upgrading, his finding Beta's dismantled limbs, Amy's saving him from destruction, his remembering a family. The scenes play faster and faster before his optic sensors. Gamma finally deletes Dr. Eggman's mastery programming over him. Firing his jet pack, E-102 flies off to save the rest of his brothers. In the jungle, Sonic has come across the Mystic Ruins Temple. A glowing light floats around the base of the structure, bobbles around Sonic's head, then moves toward the entrance of the Temple. Sonic juices up the stairs, following the light. Inside, Sonic trails the light down the dark hallways of the pyramid. As he makes his way through a small waterfall, a number of sad-looking Chao float up from the darkness behind him. Now deep in the depths of the ruin, the light illuminates a mural on the wall. A picture the ancient echidnas had created of Perfect Chaos, the beast that had destroyed their civilization. Someone begins to whisper to Sonic from the darkness, and when he asks who is speaking, a flash of light overcomes him. Sonic is in the past, standing before the burning Master Emerald Altar. Scanning the destruction, he locates Tikal holding a motionless Chao near the top of the structure. Running forward, he watches the scene unfold as Tikal hears the roar of the monster. She runs toward the Master Emerald, a bright flash appearing before Sonic's eyes... Sonic is now standing outside the ruined Temple, just in time to see Dr. Eggman zoom by in the Egg Mobile. Eggman putters along, disappearing over a ridge. Sonic stops at the base of the hill to find a door in the likeness of Eggman's face. Revving up into a Sonic Spin, he smashes the entrance, setting off every alarm in Final Egg. Deep in the control room, Eggman watches as Sonic starts destroying his security cameras. Moving his chair to a console, he activates the laser defense system. Sonic is far too fast for the lasers, zooming down the halls before they can even fire. At one hallway, the walls fall away, leaving a series of rollers beneath Sonic's feet. As he tries to keep moving ahead, a large boulder drops down behind him. Going into a Spin, the boulder smack against him, bouncing Sonic like a pinball through the hall and out the other side. Eggman slams his fists on his control panel, the blasted hedgehog just won't die! Rounding a corner, Sonic recoils in surprise at Bokkun standing before him. Telling Sonic that Dr. Eggman has a message for him, Bokkun pulls out his TV from the bag. Eggman congratulates Sonic for making it so far through Final Egg, and challenges him to a fight. As the message ends, Bokkun starts bawling loudly, crying that Lord Eggman is an idiot. A large blast door hisses open, Sonic screeching to a halt in front of Eggman sitting in the Egg Viper. Eggman rants at his adversary, complaining how he has destroyed his Eggfort, his headquarters, CH@OS 6, even his flagship, the Egg Carrier. Eggman vows that Sonic's meddling in his schemes ends now! The Egg Viper cockpit shield closes, and Eggman begins his assault, firing his laser cannon at Sonic. Sonic leaps and dodges, while Eggman snarls that Sonic will never leave Final Egg alive. Sonic goes into a Sonic Spin, but ricochets off the shield cover on the Viper. Eggman flies out a skylight, Sonic waiting patiently for the Doc next move. Suddenly, Egg Viper explodes from below the hedgehogs feet. Sonic is trapped, Eggman using the Vipers coils to crush his nemesis. After a couple crunches, Sonic uses a Spin to snap away the Viper's tail, then hits the vulnerable undercarriage. The Egg Viper explodes, Eggman ditching in his Egg Mobile out the skylight again. Final Egg is lighting up. Sonic uses his Spin to fly out the skylight just before base is finished off. Sonic rests on a ridge, watching it's wreckage smolder. E-102 has been busy, scanning all frequencies for his missing friends. The rebellious droid locates an E-100 robot in Windy Valley, and changes course. At Station Squares harbor, Amy and Birdie take five, having not had any luck finding out where the Egg Carrier had gone to. Suddenly, Froggy pops out with Big, the cat telling Amy that the Egg Carrier had crashed in the bay. In Windy Valley, Gamma finds E-103: Delta bound to a rocky pillar. Using his laser cannon, E-102 cuts away the metal cords, lowering his deactivated brother to earth. Extending two probes from his fingers, Gamma inserts them into the slots in Delta's forehead. Searching in the data banks, Gamma deletes the Eggman master registration code, freeing the rabbit that was trapped inside. E-103: Delta is now just an empty shell. Gamma turns sensors back on, quickly picking up E-104: Epsilon in nearby Red Mountain. In Red Mountain, Gamma has completed work on Epsilon. Gamma reviews the rest of the E-Series he has to save: E-105: Zeta, E-101: Beta, and himself. Finding a carving of his former master on the wall of the chamber, Gamma cuts loose, turning the carving into so much dust with his laser cannon. Having a brainstorm, Gamma realizes that the others must still be on board the Egg Carrier. He jets off into the sky. At the downed Egg Carrier, Amy and Birdie are rowing up in Big's boat. Inside, the place seems deserted as the pair walk the hallways. Outside, Gamma has landed. Scanning the ship, he locates E-105: Zeta in the reactor chamber. Blasting open a door, E-102 stomps inside. Deep below, Amy and Birdie round a corner, just in time for E-100: Zero, Decoe, and Bocoe to emerge from a pile of rubble. Seems like the pair didn't make it far after they ditched the ship last episode. The lackeys squabble for a minute, until Bocoe spots Amy spying on them. Grabbing Birdie, Amy scrambles as the trio give chase. Coming to a door, Amy leaps through, electronically locking it from the inside. Decoe pounds on the door, trying in vain to wrench it open. The room Amy holed up in turns out to be the brain center for the Egg Carrier. All of Eggman's recent operations are on file in this room. In the reactor chamber, E-102 has found Zeta. Amy, in the meantime, is reviewing the recent captures of animals to use as living batteries. She finds that Birdie's parents are locked inside of two bots: E-102: Gamma and E-101: Beta, whose upgrades have been completed. Having got what she came for, Amy unlocks the door, sending Bocoe and Decoe flying inside. The lackeys are out for the count, leaving Zero to be dealt with. Amy is not taking chances this time. She whirls her hammer, smacking Zero upside the noggin'. Zero is out like a light. Gamma deactivates E-105, just as an explosion rocks the ship. An angry E-101: Beta Mark II drops from the ceiling to give battle. Amy and Birdie hear the boom, Birdie flying off toward the source, with Amy telling the fowl to stop. Beta kicks things off, firing his blaster. Gamma dodges, trying to appeal to Beta like Amy had to him. Beta doesn't listen, calling Gamma a traitor to their master. Gamma finally retaliates, forcing Beta to duck. The robotic rumble continues, the duo fighting hand to hand. Amy finds her way into the chamber, trying without success to halt this duel. The pair clash again, laser fire stabbing through both of them. Beta is mortally hit. Dropping to the deck, he explodes. From the flames emerges Birdie's father. Chirping a few times at Gamma, he wings into the air. Gamma sets off his self-destruct, releasing the female bird from his core. The reunited couple twirl in the air, free at last. As Birdie swoops up to join her family, Amy checks Gamma, seeing his and Beta's hands joined in friendship in the end. The feathery fowl are together again. In the jungle, Sonic is having a relaxing time when he suddenly hears Tails calling his name. Overhead, the sky darkens as thunder clouds scud the atmosphere. Nearby, Knuckles witnesses lightning blasting the forest. Elsewhere, Eggman is pouting in his Egg Mobile. Coming to a clearing, Eggman discovers CH@OS is still alive. Chaos bubbles and twirls violently. Deep in the jungle, the Master Emerald has been reformed. To Be Concluded! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This review was written by Eli Sheldon aka 'SHADOWBOT' - used with her general permission.